Research Bench

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This is used to research everything; some research is unlocked by more research, while others are unlocked by picking up items pertaining to the research. More than one bench can be used at once, and currently, all Colonists can research, while Scientists research much faster.

To craft a research bench you will need to pick it from the build menu under the facilities section.

There is currently a bug that can cause some research not to progress or to disappear and not be obtainable. This can sometimes be resolved by clicking pause/resume, or by saving and reloading the game.

Research Items

  • Armor and Fabric
    • Fabric Production
    • Leatherwork
  • Metals
    • Copper Ore
    • Gold Ore
    • Titanium
  • Plastic and Fuels
    • Tar
    • Hydrocarbons
    • Plastics
  • Gems & Crystals
    • Acid Crystal
    • Diamond
    • Ruby
    • Saphire
    • Glass Production
  • Basic Medicine
  • Weapons
    • Basic Shotguns
    • Basic Rifles
    • Basic Heavy Weapons
  • Forestry
  • Furniture
    • Luxury Furniture