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Takes a single parameter and provides a link to something accompanied by a 32px image of it.

For this template to work, there must be a png image with the same name of the page you are trying to link to.


Workbench.png Workbench


1 is the sole parameter. The template will add content equivalent to [[File:1.png|x32px]] [[1]].

additionally, the pixel size can be overridden by entering the number required. This Template allows you to link an individual page alongside its icon, see below for its usage.

Command Argument Size Result
{{ItemLink|Workbench|16}} Workbench 16px tall

Workbench.png Workbench

{{ItemLink|Workbench|32}} Workbench 32px tall

Workbench.png Workbench

{{ItemLink|Workbench|64}} Workbench 64px tall

Workbench.png Workbench

{{ItemLink|Workbench|128}} Workbench 128px tall

Workbench.png Workbench