Meta: Wiki Terms

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This wiki has many terms used to explain certain things that aren't official. These are mainly there to give extra information on specific areas of a certain page.

Item Terms

Mining Speed

Mining speed is a variable used by tile breaking tools to tell how fast they are in a given situation.

Right now, mining speed is based on how long it takes to break a single block of Granite. So if a pickaxe took 1 second to break Granite, it would have a mining speed of 1.

For plant based tools, it is how fast it takes to cut down a tree compared to an Iron Pickaxe. So if a plant tool cut down a tree twice as fast as an Iron Pickaxe, it would have a mining speed of 0.75 as the Iron Pickaxe's speed is 1.5.

X Embedded Stone

This term is used for ores. As ores spawn in different types of stone blocks, this is a general term for the ore tiles.