Pneumatic Drill

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This is arguably the best mining tool. You gain the crafting recipe after doing the research for it. It can mine 2x1 to the sides. It will only work if the player is standing, and will not mine if they are holding onto a ledge or are in the air. It mines much faster than the Crude Pickaxe and Mining Pickaxe at the cost of granting less resources than the Crude Pickaxe. The Pneumatic Drill cannot mine anything farther away than 3 blocks.

Its crafting recipe can be unlocked by researching the Servo Motor found in chests in Raider Camps and Strongholds, and in the Underground Facility.

Crafting Recipe
Result Materials Crafting Station
Pneumatic drill.png Pneumatic Drill Steel Ingot.png Steel Ingot x 10

Servo Motor.png Servo Motor

Workbench.png Workbench