Metal Wall

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The Metal Wall is a sturdy block made out of easy-to-find materials. It is very good for base building because it's extra durable, making it much harder for any attackers to break them.

Created in the Workbench or via the Build Blueprint Menu, you can also harvest the tile with a Pickaxe from metal structures found in Raider Camps, and Underground Structures.

Crafting Recipe
Result Materials
Metal wall icon.png Metal Wall x 5 Iron item.png Iron Ore

Building Tips

The Metal Wall is a very versatile block that can be used in many situations. As it is the main industrial/sci-fi block in the game, you're likely to be using this a lot. Good for industrial looking builds and just generally metallic builds. However, it is recommended that you find supplementary blocks like Glass to break up the texture if used in large areas.

Before you get yourself an Axe, it is a very good building block, as Iron Ore is quite abundant (while Wood is not if you don't have an axe). Also, you can craft it with your hands like Wood Panels.